Gun Lawyer

UUW Weapons Charges – Overturned Statute Could Mean Your Freedom

By |2024-02-03T05:33:35+00:00April 5th, 2014|Chicago Criminal Defense Attorney, Gun Lawyer|

Chicago Weapons Charges - Yours Could Be Dropped Illinois Supreme Court has declared unconstitutional a law regarding unlawful use of a weapon. In a recent turn of events, the Illinois Supreme Court has determined a law regarding Chicago Weapons Charges that once indicated having a gun on one's person outside of their home or business to be [...]

Chicago Weapons Charges – Overturned Statute Could Mean Your Freedom

By |2024-05-13T18:15:08+00:00March 10th, 2014|Chicago Criminal Defense Attorney, Gun Lawyer|

In a recent turn of events, the Illinois Supreme Court has determined a law regarding Chicago Weapons Charges that once indicated having a gun on one’s person outside of their home or business to be illegal, is now no longer. The new view on the unlawful use of a weapon has Chicago Criminal Lawyers considering what this [...]

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