sexual assault

sexual assault attorney

Sex offenses are found in all walks of life and every part of society. Oftentimes, and, tragically, minors are the victims of these offenses. If an individual is facing a sexual assault charge, he or she could be facing a criminal conviction that could lead to several years in jail and life long registration as a sexual offender. Sexual assault cases become public news instantly and can ruin a person’s life before the case enters a courtroom. A recent Naperville case shows how such cases can become public quickly. Once the charges become  public, navigating a sex offense become much more delicate of a matter.

For example, a Naperville cheerleading coach, has been accused of  aggravated criminal sexual abuse for soliciting a minor for prostitution and patronizing a prostitute. The alleged incident took place in Naperville in late September and now he is facing charges in Will County.

Will County prosecutors said that the coach solicited a prostitute who is younger than 17. Naperville police confirmed they are investigating the incident.

When allegations of sexual assault turn out to be false or when a police investigation results in an innocent person being charged with a sex crime, it is crucial to move quickly to reduce the damage a sexual assault accusation can have one’s life. In a case like this, where it’s relying on people’s words against others, it’s possible that a wrongful conviction could be made.